All events are free to students, thanks to the Giving Campaign and the efforts of our amazing Highland PTO. We have worked with fantastic community partners to put together new and exciting areas each and every day of the week, with a fun family celebration at the end (a movie night at the Highland Elementary gym with pizza)!
To make this week run smoothly, with the highest level of fun and the lowest level of stress, please fill out the form below to ensure we are prepared for each and every day.
Note that parents or guardians must be present with children to participate; any unaccompanied student (who has not had special arrangements made through PTO) will be turned away. Parental/guardian supervision is imperative to the safety and efficiency of Unplugged Week. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding of these rules.
We also ask for a few volunteers daily to help set up and clean up (this will happen before kids get out of school and right after the event ends). Unplugged can only happen with your help, so please consider signing up to volunteer using the form included below.
Kids Inc. participants must contact their program leader directly to ask how they will participate in the week's daily activities. We have invited all Kids Inc. students to participate with their leaders and are working to hear back on how they will incorporate this into their schedules. If you take your student out of Kids Inc. to participate separately, you must be present during the activities.
FEBRUary 3-7, 2025
MONDAY GAME DAY: 2:30-3:30 BINGO IN THE GYM. Come play bingo with your parents and friends and win prizes!
TUESDAY SCIENCE DAY: 2:30-4:00 With Sunriver Nature Center. Meet an astronomer and learn about space, meet with a nature caretaker and their amazing bird, and do fun activities!
WEDNESDAY MOVEMENT DAY: Two sessions 1:15-2:15 and 2:30-3:30. One session per kid, no duplicates. Please sign the waiver here: https://www.mountainairbend.com/waiver/
(Spots are limited to 150 students per session and must have a parent or guardian on site and inside for your student to jump; socks will NOT be provided. Please plan accordingly)
THURSDAY MUSEUM EXPLORATION: 2:30-5:30. Enjoy a free mini mobile museum set up by the Children's Museum of Central Oregon. Sign up for an arrival time slot. No early entries; you must arrive at your scheduled time, but you can stay for however long you like. Again, a parent or guardian must be present.
FRIDAY MOVIE NIGHT: DESPICABLE ME 4. Arrive starting at 5:30, movie starting at 6:00! Pizza available for donation. We have included a link to a Common Sense Media Review for your family to inform your decision for viewing and appropriateness https://www.commonsensemedia.org/movie-reviews/despicable-me-4